कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११८

70 percent planting is done in Salyan


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By the end of mid-June in Salyan, 70 percent planting has been completed. Although there were some problems in the second week of June due to the long drought, after the continuous rains for a few days, the farmers worked hard in the fields.

70 percent planting is done in Salyan

Out of the 7 thousand 78 hectares of cultivable land in the district, farmers have been planting paddy on 6 thousand 125 hectares of land every year. Resam Bahadur Basnet, Acting Head of Agricultural Development Office, said that 4,200 hectares of land have been planted so far.

As it is the time to sow and grow mustard seeds, now all the farmers are busy with planting, leaving other work, he says that the planting will be completed in the district within the first week of July.

This year it was a little late because it could not rain in time . Under the 10 local levels of the district, planting has almost been completed in Bagchaur Municipality, Chhatreswari, Tribeni, Darma, Kumakh and Siddhakumakh Rural Municipality, while some parts on the banks of the Sharda River, land around Kharekhola and some parts of Bangad Kupinde Municipality are left.

Even though it has been raining continuously for a few days after the onset of monsoon, the farmers are taking turns to arrange the irrigation system and planting, said Iswari Narayan Gharti, information officer of the office. In the

district, 29 thousand metric tons of rice is produced annually in Sardar.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १६:३१
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