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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Declaration of Gutichour-4 child marriage free ward

डीबी बुढा

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Jumla's Gutichhour Rural Municipality Ward No. 4 has been declared child marriage free ward. The entire ward was declared free of child marriage by holding a formal program after all the people's representatives, employees, community, children and women pledged not to marry children.

Declaration of Gutichour-4 child marriage free ward

According to the women and children branch, there has been no child marriage in Gutichour-4 since last month. According to the data collected before Push, out of total 23 marriages in this financial year, 12 were child marriages. Sushmita Thapa, head of

branch, said that in the first phase, awareness was spread in every village. In the second phase, every settlement was monitored. As no child marriages were found during the monitoring, the ward was formally declared child marriage free.

Gaurinanda Acharya, the head of the District Coordination Committee, signed the manifesto, the commitment between the government and the community, and formally announced that child marriage is a ward. He emphasized that there should be no more child marriage activities in the child marriage-free ward and urged him to spread the message that marriage should be done only after reaching the age of maturity in the future.

Ward president Tikadatta Neupane informed that the ward was declared free of child marriage after 840 households of Gutichour-4 promised not to engage in child marriage. He said, "When getting married, ward recommendation is mandatory. There is a provision to submit birth registration and educational certificate while taking the recommendation. '

He said that any group of people who incite child marriage and participate in wedding feasts will come under the legal ambit. In this year's policies and programs, the issue against child marriage has been raised with priority.

Rural Municipality President Dan Bahadur Budha said that the process of announcing child marriage wards will gradually increase. According to him, the local government is committed to prevent social evils including child marriage.

Sushmita Thapa of the Women and Children's Branch said that child marriage should be stopped by all together saying that child marriage is a web of evil in the society. She made people's representatives active and involved in the campaign against child marriage. She said that after close discussions at the school level, village toll, settlement and ward level, it was possible to announce the child marriage ward.

Along with this, 4 out of 60 wards of Jumla have been declared as child marriage free wards. Certificates of honor were given to individuals, organizations and groups who helped to declare child marriage free.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १९:०९
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