कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६५

SEE pass by foot writing

रुपा गहतराज

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Umesh KC of Raptisonari 2 Madui used to be kind to Umesh KC as he could not work with both hands. But he learned to write with his feet because he could not move both his hands. And this time he passed the SEE exam while climbing the class. After Umesh passed with a GPA of 2.92, the locals started saying that despite being disabled, Umesh stopped studying.

SEE pass by foot writing

Umesh's both hands were born unable to work . After being encouraged by the members of the family, he moved forward to hold the lotus with his feet. Gradually he became able to write easily. This ability to write gave him confidence that he could read.

When Umesh was born, his legs were not like Sablang's. Umesh could not even write with his feet because the family members did not treat his legs three times. Umesh cannot stand and walk for a long time .

Umesh, who studied in the boarding school of the village till class seven, started studying at Lakshmi Mavi of Raptisonari 2 from class eight. Regular school attendance and careful study made it easy for him to pass the SEE door . Umesh's mother Goma is also stunned by her son's success. She said, 'I am very happy to give a quick slap to those who say they are disabled and cannot do anything.'

Umesh is a little sad that he got a lower grade than he expected, but he also thinks that he will study harder now. They say, 'Now I will work harder to study.' Umesh, who dreams of becoming an officer after studying public service, said that he is planning to study crop science in higher education.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १९:२९
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