कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Tractor accident in Gulmi, child killed, 2 injured


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A 6-year-old boy died in a tractor accident in Gulmi. Shiv Bik, a boy from Malika Rural Municipality 2, Darling, died when a tractor numbered Lu 4 to 2465 met with an accident in Resunga municipality 4 Rangedhunga.

In the accident, the driver Deepak Gotame, 26, of Dhurko Rural Municipality 5, Bastu, and Rajkumar Bik, 19, of Resunga Municipality 9, a resident of Baglung Badigad Rural Municipality, were injured, said DSP Shankar Pokharel, information officer of District Police Office, Gulmi. Gulmi Hospital informed that the condition of the driver Gotame is serious. Both have been referred to Palpa for further treatment.

Relatives have said that the injured Rajkumar and the dead Shiv are relatives and they went for a walk on a tractor. Shiva had come to his relative Rajkumar three days ago. The tractor coming from Chaldi towards the headquarters Tamghas has fallen down about 60/70 meters from the road.

Even though the locals said that the tipper hit, the police said that they are investigating the incident.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ २२:०५
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