Astudhatu of Buddha in Ramgram Nagar Parikrama

नवीन पौडेल

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On the occasion of the 2568th Buddha Jayanti, Ramgram Municipality of West Nawalparasi has taken out a Dhatujatra with the Astudhatu of Gautama Buddha brought from Sri Lanka.

Astudhatu of Buddha in Ramgram Nagar Parikrama

From Panditpur, the capital of Kolia Republic, to the Ramgram Stupa, which is the only complete statue of Buddha, a 15-kilometer-long Dhatujatra has been taken out. An arrangement of Dasaran was arranged for the general public by placing the precious stone of Buddha brought from Sri Lanka on elephants and circumambulating various places in the city.

City chief Dhanpat Yadav said that Dhatujatra with a chariot was held last year in the presence of the Prime Minister and this year also the Dhatujatra was organized by the local level itself.

The Lumbini Development Fund has not given necessary interest in the development of other Buddhist sites including Ramgram, so the local level itself has come forward for the protection of archaeological objects and sites. Last year, in the presence of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, a program was held at Ramgram Stupa with Astudhatu.

On the occasion of Buddha Jayanti, the municipality has organized a week-long sports program.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ १६:२३
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