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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

3 persons arrested with 330 kg of ganja from Makwanpur

प्रताप विष्ट

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Makwanpur police arrested 3 persons with 330 kg of ganja hidden in 2 vehicles on Wednesday night.

3 persons arrested with 330 kg of ganja from Makwanpur

Bhimfedi Rural Municipality of Makwanpur - 1 stopped near Samari Bridge The police recovered 175 kg of marijuana from the mini truck number Ba 3 B 461. The police said that 51-year-old Purna Bahadur Rumba of Hetaunda Sub-Metropolitan City-4 was arrested along with the marijuana that he had hidden behind the false bottom of the truck.

Similarly, a joint police team near Ratomata on the East-West Highway has recovered 155 kg of marijuana from a truck numbered No. 1118 from Chitwan. According to the police, 16 bags of marijuana were found in the truck. Truck driver Chitwan Rapti Municipality-2 Gadyaulik 36-year-old Sunil Moktan and 20-year-old Dhan Bahadur Syangtan of Rapti-1 Lothar were arrested, said DSP Lakshmi Bhandari, spokesperson of the District Police Office.

District Police Office Makwanpur has arrested 239 people including 19 women and filed a case on charges of drug trafficking in 11 months of the current financial year. From July to May, Makwanpur police seized 3,462 kg of ganja, 13 kg of opium, 78 grams of gray heroin, and 150 kg of hashish, said DSP Bhandari.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ ०९:३८
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