कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५४

There is nothing wrong with the alliance, if outside says one thing and inside does something else, then what do you know?'

There is no such thing as limitless in working style. However, there is no serious diversity in policy and working style. If the alliance is different in terms of policy and theory, it will be changed, not in the way of working.

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There is some bitterness in the power struggle between the UML and the Maoist center. At the same time, the discussion of a new equation between UML and Congress has started. The dialogue between UML and Congress leaders has been strained. The Maoist center has been shaken by this thick dialogue.

There is nothing wrong with the alliance, if outside says one thing and inside does something else, then what do you know?'

In this context, a brief conversation with General Secretary of Maoist Center Devprasad Gurung :

Top leaders of UML and Congress are seen meeting frequently, a sign of trouble in the ruling alliance ?

So far, there is no problem in the ruling coalition. None of the constituents said that there was dissatisfaction and that there was a problem . Politically, there is no problem regarding the ruling coalition. If you say one thing outside and do something else inside, what do you know?

How is the Maoist looking at the long conversation between Congress President Deuba and UML President Oli in Balkot?

It does not mean that two leaders cannot communicate in a multi-party democratic system . Leaders can communicate . However, the main thing is what was the topic of the conversation . They had to tell what was the topic of conversation in that meeting . Those who are involved in the conversation should say .

Oli, the chairman of the ruling major component, publicly criticized the budget allocation, was it a sign of a change in the alliance?

After the principles and priorities were discussed and agreed upon among all the ruling parties, the budget process moved forward and no one disagreed in the cabinet. It has been unanimously advanced . After being presented in the House, there is no such thing in the theoretical and policy matters . The opposition party also said that there is no need to comment on the budget, while some of the issues are worthy of praise.

When the ministerial allocation started being discussed, the UML MPs in the UML minister's ministry and the Maoist MPs in the Maoist minister's ministry protested that the ministers had taken the plan in their area . This happens in every budget session, when resources are limited and demand is high.

Oli's expression of the feeling that Prime Minister Jinamsina got involved in appointment, transfer and promotion Gave it, how did you take it ?

There are things about a person's working style of where to pay attention, where to do, even if it's not a trivial matter. If you pay close attention, you can talk about where the big work has been left during daily meetings. There is no such thing as limitless in working style. However, there is no serious diversity in policies and practices. If the alliance is different in terms of policy and theory, it will be changed, not in the way of working .

Are there any other moves to change the government?

The question now is that the peace process is deadlocked. Some power centers are not happy about going ahead with it . There is a discussion between the parties that this poison should be carried forward . It has been agreed that the leaders of all the three parties will come together today to edit the language of the TRC Bill and proceed with the process through the parliamentary committee. It has been agreed between the leaders of all the three parties to advance the TRC Bill. In this situation, it cannot be said if someone did that thinking that the peace process should be deadlocked.

Some power centers are dissatisfied with the peace process and the TRC. That is why the deadlock is happening. Leaders should come together and move forward on that matter . The peace process is getting stuck because the leaders are not united in matters related to nationality, and are divided. Even now, the government will change over this issue and if this issue is delayed, we have to imagine the pressure on Nepal regarding the peace process.

Do you have anything else to say about the discussion of government change?

There has been no controversy about the leadership of the government yet. There is no dispute (between the UML and the Maoist Center) about proceeding according to the agreement. If one tries to take the leadership of the government and the other tries not to give it, there should be a conflict, it has not been seen.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १३:२९
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