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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Pushkin's birth anniversary was celebrated in Kathmandu


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The 225th birth anniversary of Russian writer Alexander Pushkin was celebrated in Kathmandu on Thursday. Pushkin's birthday and Russian Language Day are also celebrated on June 6th.

Pushkin's birth anniversary was celebrated in Kathmandu

Nisha Sharma, the chancellor of the Nepal Music and Drama Academy, placed a wreath at Pushkin's Salik at the Russian Cultural Center in Kamalpokhari. A documentary about Pushkin's birthplace was also shown in the

program. Engineer Rambindu Shrestha, who is also the secretary of Mitra Kunj, said in the program that Pushkin was a contemporary through his creations. Shrestha also said that Pushkin Jubilee is special for students who studied higher education in Russian during the Soviet period.

President of Nepal Russia Literary Society Jangab Chauhan said that Pushkin's poems are timeless even after hundreds of years. He also says that poetic beauty can be found in Pushkin's poems. In the program, various poets/writers recited Pushkin's poems.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २५, २०८१ १३:४९
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