कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The comment that the film will not run after reaching the festival was broken: Amod Rai


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Directed by Naveen Subba, the film Gure Agai Bato is in its third week of release. This film, which will go into its fourth week of screening from Friday, has broken the comment that films that have reached the festival do not work among domestic audiences.

The comment that the film will not run after reaching the festival was broken: Amod Rai

"There was a wrong comment that a film that has already reached the festival in Nepal will not run. However, our film has broken that comment,' said producer Amod Rai, 'We made this film with community investment, all the investment has been secured . Now we are hopeful that this film will encourage commercial filmmakers to make films that reach the world market.' According to the line producer of the

film, Minso Limbu, 'Gaon Inya Bato' has secured investment from the second week of its release. Minso says that this film, which received a houseful audience in the theaters of the East since the day of the performance, has been greatly supported by the audience from the Rai community . Even now, this film is getting a good audience in the theaters of the East. We are grateful to all the viewers for the love they have given to our film,' he said.

Actor Dayahang Rai, actress Pashupati Rai and child actor Prasan Rai are acting in 'Gaon Inya Bato', which raises the issue of the concept of development through father-son relationship. This film, which was screened from May 25, had a houseful audience in many halls of Kathmandu. From the first week of screening, the discussion of this film was spread among the audience through 'word of mouth'. The song of the film 'Rai Maila' was able to win the hearts of the audience in a short period of time.

film has music by Heidi Lee, casting direction by Kedar Shrestha, art direction by Raj Thapa, sound design by Kishore Acharya, costumes by Sikuma Rai, editing by Kwan Poon Lung .

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ २२:३५
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