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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Nepal language is included in Google Translate


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Search engine platform, Google's translate service has included Nepali language (Newari). On Thursday, through a blog post, Google announced that it has added 110 languages ​​to the world. Among them, the mother tongue of the Newar community of Nepal is also included.

Nepal language is included in Google Translate

From Google Translate, now different languages Reverse in Nepali language Can be done . Nepali language can also be translated into other languages .

Google has announced that it has introduced the facility of reversing various languages ​​using artificial intelligence. With the help of AI's Palm-2 language model, it is mentioned in the blog post that the Newari language of Nepal has been placed on Google Translate, from the Kanto language spoken by more than 610 million people to Fon, Swati, Wolof, which is spoken in Africa.

Deputy Mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Sunita Dunlogal, who has been taking initiatives to protect her mother tongue, has expressed her happiness that Nepali language is included in Google Translate. Since 2021, Vishwa Neva organization has been supporting Google Translate's engineer group for the project of translating from English to Nepali language.

In December 2013, Google included the Nepali language in its Google Translate service. Google has been saying that it is trying to connect people by breaking the language barrier through Google Translate. Earlier in 2022, new languages ​​were added based on the Zero-Shot machine translation technology, and Google claims that language translation has been made more effective this time with the help of AI.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १३:४४
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