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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

All those who fail in SEE will be given a chance to take the exam

There is provision in letter grading guidelines 2078 that only students with non-grading up to two subjects can participate in the grade increase examination. The decision of the Ministry of Education is that even students who have not graded in all 7 subjects can participate in the grade increase examination.
The board had published the schedule for conducting grade enhancement exams on July 18 and 19, the latest decision will also amend the exam schedule.
सुदीप कैनी

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The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has decided that all 242,313 students who have failed (non-grading/NG) in the SEE results will be allowed to participate in the grade enhancement (opportunity) examination. Education Minister Sumana Shrestha made such a decision on Friday.

All those who fail in SEE will be given a chance to take the exam

In the public results on Thursday, out of 464,785 students, 52 percent were in NG. It is mentioned in Letter Grading Guideline 2078 that only students with non-grading in two subjects can participate in the grade increase exam.

According to this arrangement, only 115,834 people were eligible for the grade increase exam. Ministry of Education spokesperson Keshav Dahal said that Education Minister Shrestha made a ministerial decision to make all non-grading students participate in the grade increase test. It has been decided at the ministerial level to give all the students who get NG a chance to take the grade increase exam. The National Examination Board and Curriculum Development Center have also been requested to implement the said decision,” he said. In the guidelines implemented by the center, it is mentioned that only the students who have not graded up to two subjects will be allowed to take the grade increase exam. There is a provision to participate in the annual examination conducted in Chait only if there is non-grading in more than two subjects. The ministry said that the provisions of the

directory will also be amended. If the said system is amended, the same system will be implemented in the results of class 12. The results of class 12 conducted last May are also ready to be published. There is an arrangement for the education minister to be the chairman of the curriculum development center. After the examination board and the center make further decisions, the ministerial decision will be implemented. The board had published the grade increase exam schedule on July 18 and 19. The board said that the exam schedule will also be revised after the said decision. It has been decided to ask the university to conduct classes for

exam preparation. As a result, only 222,472 (47.87 percent) students were eligible to get admission in class 11. The highest number of students were rejected in Mathematics, Science and English subjects.

1 lakh 77 thousand students in mathematics, 1 lakh 26 thousand students in science, 1 lakh students in English are non-grading. Similarly, 73,000 students in Social Sciences, 69/69,000 students in Nepali and Economics are under non-grading. According to the decision of the Ministry of Education, students who are not graded in all 7 subjects will also be allowed to participate in the grade increase examination to be conducted in July. In the results, it has been found that 100% students of some schools have failed. In the letter grading system implemented since 2072, all students were to be graded.

But due to this, the reading culture among the students is disappearing. In 2078, by revising the guidelines, it was arranged that students who do not get at least 35 percent marks in theoretical (written) will be non-graded. Due to this, the number of students who do not get admission in class 11 is more than those who get admission. In class 10, the said arrangement has been implemented only from this year.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ २१:५२
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