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Each of the two community schools in Chitwan scored four GPAs


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In the result of public SEE on Thursday, 16 people including one student from two public schools of Chitwan have got four GPA.

Each of the two community schools in Chitwan scored four GPAs

According to Bhumilal Subedi, head of Chitwan's education development and coordination unit, 10,832 people gave SEE in Chitwan this year. Subedi said that 6,041 of them passed. Vishal Magrati, a student of Bharatpur's Chitwan Mavi, and Divya Prakash Jha of Balkumari Kanya Mavi, Narayangadh, are among those who got four GPAs. Subedi said that 14 people from the remaining nine institutional schools got four GPAs. Last year, a total of 6 people in Chitwan got four GPA.

Similarly, Subedi informed that the total number of A+ students in Chitwan this year is 1,692. Last year 701 people got A plus. "This year, 10,832 people from 233 schools have given SEE and 56 percent have passed. On the whole, the results are more satisfactory than last year'' said Chief Subedi. Chitwan Mavi V.No. Established in 2011, it is the oldest school in the district. Vishal Magrati was enrolled here in Class 8 from Shukranagar, West Chitwan. His studies were good. The results came according to the same," said the principal of the school, Chiranjeevi Sharma. According to Prakash Adhikari, chairman of the school management committee, the school used to get good results. "But this is the most successful result since 048," claims the presiding officer.

Divya Prakash Jha, a childless girl, studied in the same school from the beginning. The outgoing headmaster of the school Herambakumar Asim Dibyaprakash says that he has been standing first in his class since childhood. The current headmaster Bishnu Prasad Wagle said that he always scored 100 marks in mathematics and he also scored 97/98 marks in Nepali. He has managed to maintain the successful result of school level till SEE. I didn't think. I didn't even believe it at first. It will be good in others but I did not expect to get A plus in Nepali and Social. But it came," said Divya Prakash. He said that he will take science subject in class 11 and decide what to study after passing class 12. Study well and the result will be good. Now I study well in class 11 and 12. We will decide what to study after that," he said.

19 out of 20 people got A plus in Sanskrit Gurukulam

19 out of 20 people who gave SEE this year from Mahesh Sanskrit Gurukulam in Tanahun Devghatdham have passed with A plus. One person's A has come. In the Gurukulam run by Mahesh Sanyas Ashram, Acharya (post-graduate level) is taught from class 6. According to Gurukulam teacher Maheshwar Nepal, this is the 27th group to give SEE in Gurukulam which was established in 2050.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ २१:४४
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