कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११८

SEE day in another municipality


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School students from a remote municipality of Makwanpur are still forced to go to another municipality to take the Secondary Education Examination (SEE). On the SEE day starting from Chait 15th, the students of Kailash Rural Municipality are forced to go to the centers located in neighboring Thaha Municipality and Manhari Rural Municipality to take the exam.

SEE day in another municipality

Village Vice President Balkumar Malla said that since there is no SEE center in his village, he had to go to another village to take the exam.

exam days By renting a room at the location of the examination center or They have the obligation to sit the exam with their relatives. There are 5 secondary schools in Kailash Rural Municipality . Candidates of those schools have to go to Jankalyan Mavi of Thaha municipality and Rotary Mavi center of Manhari to take the exam.

There is a plurality of Chepang and Tamang communities in Kailash. Due to the large number of poor families, it is difficult for the students to sit outside and take the exam. Last year, three people could not join SEE due to lack of funds. Dinanath Gautam, Head of Education Development and Coordination Unit, Makwanpur, said that due to the concept of not having a 'home center', the number of students is not enough and the geography is not enough.

"The chairman and the people's representatives of the municipality were consulted many times to set up an examination center, but it was not possible due to the bad weather and the home center," he said.

Among the 10 local levels of Makwanpur, only Kailash does not have a SEE center. Last year, there was no SEE center in Raksirang rural municipality either. This time, the examination center has been set up at Praja Vikas Mavi, Raksirang Chainpur. In Makwanpur 26 examination centers have been designated. There should be at least 150 students in a center.

6 thousand 171 students from 126 schools of Makwanpur filled the form to participate in SEE. Head of Education Development and Coordination Unit Gautam said that there are 84 examinees on the open side. A prisoner is also an examinee in Bhimfedi Jail. The process of sending the answer sheets to the examination centers for SEE is going on. The examination will start from 15th of Chait and end on 27th of Chait. The exam will start from 8 am.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १०, २०८० १८:२४
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