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Singapore has a new Prime Minister after 20 years

New Prime Minister Lawrence Wong says: Learning from the previous generation, we will move the country forward in a different way

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Singapore has a new Prime Minister after 20 years. Lawrence Wong was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Singapore, which is an Asian business and economic center, on Wednesday. After 72-year-old Lee Hsien Loong left the post after nearly 20 years, Loong took over as Prime Minister.

Singapore has a new Prime Minister after 20 years

Prime Minister Loong and members of the Cabinet took oath during a special ceremony on Wednesday. He was administered the oath by Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon. Thurman Shanmugaratnam was also present at the swearing-in ceremony. Lawrence Wong is the fourth Prime Minister of Singapore. Similarly, he is also the first person born after the independence of Singapore to become the Prime Minister . Wong was born in 1972 and Singapore became independent in 1965.

Photo: CNA

Wong, 51, is known as an accomplished economist. He has been praised for dealing with the Covid-19 crisis. Since 2004, outgoing Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has ruled . He has a great role in making Singapore a strong state in the global economy. Jah Ian Chong, associate professor at the National University of Singapore, said in a conversation with the Guardian, 'He succeeded in bringing Singapore into the global economy through trade and especially finance and financial services.'

photo: Reuters

With the swearing in, the new Prime Minister Wong has committed to run the country in his own style. He has promised to move the country forward in a 'different style' following the policies of the founding leaders of the country. He said, 'The story of my generation is the story of Singapore's freedom. Good governance, meritocracy. Our life is proof that our nation is built on values ​​like multiracialism, justice and equality.' He further said, 'Being sharpened by the three experiences, our leadership style will be different from that of the previous generation.' The incumbent Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will remain as a senior minister.

The creator of modern Singapore is considered to be the first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his team. The credit goes to him for taking control of the government of Singapore, which is as backward as a small city, and making it the world's most prosperous country. Lee was a staunch supporter of multi-racial Singapore, who adopted policies to eradicate poverty, expand industrialization and eradicate corruption. He strictly enforced discipline, which remains in place in Singapore to this day. Lee brought in foreign investment to make Singapore productive by developing a highly educated class proficient in the English language.

The GDP (gross domestic product) of Singapore with a population of about 6 million is about 525 billion US dollars and Per capita income is about 88 thousand US dollars . Singapore's unemployment rate is 1.9 percent. According to the latest statistics, the unemployment rate of Nepal is 11 percent.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ३, २०८१ ११:०४
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