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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Sports Minister Shrestha leaves for South Korea


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Youth and Sports Minister Virajbhakt Shrestha went there on Friday for an official visit at the invitation of the South Korean government.

Sports Minister Shrestha leaves for South Korea

Minister Shrestha will participate in various programs during his one-week visit to Korea. He is an eminent South Asian Dignitaries and will participate in the investment summit organized by Nepal Embassy. Minister Shrestha has said that in the investment conference, PPP model will focus on physical infrastructure of sports, sports technology, tourism and hydro project.

will also meet with the president of the Korean Sports and Olympic Committee, Lee Ki-hung, and the president of World Taekwondo, Chungwang Chao. In the meeting with the Korean Sports and Olympic Committee, the issue of training and technical support for the upcoming Asian Games will be discussed.

With the president of World Taekwondo, after the construction of the High Altitude Training Center in Shailung, Dolakha, the subject of recognition will be kept as a major agenda.

There is also a program to visit the Korean National Sports University and meet with the Korean Anti-Doping Agency (KADA). Minister Shrestha met Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Friday and informed about the visit. Private Secretary Pradeep Gyawali has also gone to Korea along with Minister Shrestha. Minister Shrestha will return to Nepal on June 22, the ministry said.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ २०:२७
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