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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Sports lover's support for female footballers


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A Nepali football lover living in Saudi Arabia has given the runner-up of the WAF Football Championship and the Nepali national women's team participating in the Four Nations Cup in Lebanon as an incentive.

Sports lover's support for female footballers

Kelmi's t-shirt was given to the team's players, coaches and officials on Friday as an incentive.

Pema Dolma Lama, a member of the National Sports Council (Rakhep) and president of the Women's Football Association, Bina Shrestha, a member of the National Sports Council (Rakhep) and the general secretary of the association, Luna Pradhan, vice president, Chandra Bhandari, the former captain of the national women's football team, and Aruna Gurung, the head coach of football, etc. Handed over.

Four Nations Cup is happening from July 8 to 16. Earlier, on the initiative of the Women's Football Association, the runner-up Nepali team of the WAF Football Championship was honored with 10 lakhs under the sponsorship of Yam Bahadur Gurung of Butwal sub-metropolitan city-11, who is living in Saudi Arabia.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १८:३५
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