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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Sahana Smriti U-19 Volleyball: Lumbini Province both sides in the final


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First Sahana Pradhan Smriti U-19 volleyball tournament for girls, Bagmati and Lumbini have reached the finals.

Sahana Smriti U-19 Volleyball: Lumbini Province both sides in the final

Wagmati and Lumbini won the semi-finals of the tournament on Friday at Rakhep Covered Hall in Tripureshwar. Wagmati defeated Koshi Pradesh 24-18, 25-6, 25-8. Wagmati's Jenisha Bick became the player of the match.

Lumbini made it to the finals with the results of 27-25, 25-12, 25-20 against Gandaki Province. Lumbini's Pratibha Chaudhary was the player of the match.

In the same competition, Gandaki and Lumbini will play for the title. On Friday, Gandaki won a hard-fought set of 25-16, 20-25, 25-11, 28-26 against Sudurpaschim. Gandaki's Surya Bick became the player of the match.

Lumbini beat Vagmati 25-17, 29-31, 25-19, 25-20 was lost in the set. Lumbini's Sushil Khadka became the player of the match.

The final of the competition organized by Sahana Pradhan Foundation will be held on Saturday. Before that, there will be a match for the third place between the defeated teams in the semifinals. The games are being telecasted live on Kantipur Television's Max channel.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ २२:२६
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