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Scotland and Hungary in the 'knockout' competition


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Group 'A' match between Scotland and Hungary on Sunday will be a knockout competition. Both teams need a win if they want to reach the next stage of this Euro. Scotland has some advantage, because the team has a valuable point in their account.

Scotland and Hungary in the 'knockout' competition

The team has an opportunity to advance by finishing in the top four of the third-placed team in the group. Not only that, if Switzerland loses to Germany, there is also an opportunity to be second to Scotland.

Hungary is at the bottom with no points. The team has lost both their opening matches in the league stage. But Hungary's hope is not lost. Although Hungary was defeated in the match against Germany, the performance of the team improved. Marco Rossi's team has performed equally well in both matches. The team has been impressive in attacking based on physical strength. But during the match, Hungary repeated the same mistakes, due to which the team had to face only disappointment.

One fact is certain that Hungary won't just beat Scotland. Hungary will have to rely largely on luck if they are to reach the last 16. Steve Clarke's Scotland have an injury problem. Defender Ryan Porteous is suspended while Kier Tierney is injured. Clark says, "We are going into the match against Hungary with a positive attitude. We have put up a strong challenge in the game so far, this is our style of play.'

Thousands of supporters of both teams are now in Germany. Among them, the number of Scottish supporters is so high that the team can feel that they are playing at home. Hungary's supporters haven't had much to cheer about so far. But they want Hungary's performance to be like it was during the qualifiers, when the team went undefeated and did not lose a single match. In all these circumstances, the match between Stockland and Hungary is not only exciting and sensational, but also very likely to be dramatic.

प्रकाशित : असार ९, २०८१ ०८:४९
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