कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Fourth Gyankunj Road Race title to Aishma and Ashiq


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Aishma and Ashiq have won the fourth Gyankunj road race title. Aishma Acharya from Bijeshwari Gyan Mandir Sainik Secondary School and Ashiq Thapa from Kavre Secondary School won the title of the 4th Road Race held by Gyankunj Educational Foundation on Saturday.

Fourth Gyankunj Road Race title to Aishma and Ashiq

Likewise, Anuj Mahat from Kalanki model Naikap for male students and Padmakanya M.V. for female students took the second place. Amrita Balami from Kalanki, Shree Krishna M.V. towards students. From Bhaktapur to Navraj Mainali and Chhatra, Jesus M.V. Kathryn Basukla from Bhaktapur came third. Cash 30,000 and a medal and certificate were awarded to the second 20,000 and medal, certificate and 10,000 cash along with a medal and certificate to the third. In the

road race, a 3.6 km race was held for female students starting from Banepa Tindobato to Chandeshwari Temple via Ganeshthan and from there to Gyankunj Educational Institute via Old Bazar and 7 km for male students starting from Panauti Bus Park to Gyankunj Educational Institute from Banepa Chardobato. 200 students from different districts including Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Sindhupalchok participated in the


प्रकाशित : असार १, २०८१ १६:५१
जनताको राय

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