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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The meeting of the Karnali State Assembly was also disrupted on Friday

तृप्ति शाही

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The meeting of the Karnali State Assembly was disrupted on Friday as well. The main opposition party Nepali Congress interrupted the meeting by objecting to the budget. The discussion on the budget for the financial year 2081/082 started in the House.

The meeting of the Karnali State Assembly was also disrupted on Friday

Economic Affairs and Planning Minister Mahendra KC presented the budget in the meeting on June 1. Then, while answering the questions raised in the general discussion on the budget that lasted for 2 days, on June 5, the Congress protested saying that the Minister of Economic Affairs KC's answer was not satisfactory.

Since then, until Friday, June 14th, the parliament meeting has been called 5 times, but it has been continuously disrupted. Jivraj Budhathoki, Secretary of the Provincial Assembly said that the meeting was adjourned on Sunday at 3 pm.

Minister KC stopped the Congress MPs while speaking and asked them to explain about the differences made in the budget without teaching them about the budget making process. The Minister of Economic Affairs commented that he could not understand the thematic points. It was previously agreed that plans with less than 3 million budgets allocated for road and building infrastructure and less than 1.5 million budgets for tourism should not be brought.

Before passing the budget for the current financial year, the budget was passed only after the agreement between the ruling party and the opposition. Now the parties including the Congress have protested saying that the same sequence was repeated even when the leader of the opposition party at that time, Yamlal Kandel, was the Chief Minister. Congress MP Ghanshyam Bhandari said that a clear answer was sought for the plan against the agreement.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १७:११
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