कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Salary report not yet made in Karnali, employee grievances


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The Karnali state government has not prepared the salary report of the employees so far. As a result, the state civil service employees are in trouble.

Salary report not yet made in Karnali, employee grievances

Apart from the offices designated by the federal government, other new offices are not registered in the civil book factory. The new offices of the state have not yet been registered in the civil book while the state government is organizing personnel organization and management (O&M).

The salaries of the employees working in the offices under the province have been being deducted. Permanent Fund Controller Dipendra Magrati said that the employees are unaware of the service facilities they have received due to the fact that the salary report is not registered on time. He said that the Office of the Controller General of Accounts has been making a theoretical decision due to the non-passing of the Talbi report.

It was decided to establish the State Archives on October 29, 2080. But there is no manpower needed to establish a branch. He said, 'The salary report makes it easy to decide the budget for the service facilities of the employees for the coming financial year.'

Anand Saru, Secretary of the Chief Minister and Cabinet Office, said that the salary report should first be registered in the Federal Civil Registry, but it has not been done yet. He says that there are not many problems as the employees have been adjusted from the union. "Now the province's archives have started to be built, registration will be done from the province's archives," he said.

Former administrator Kewal Prasad Bhandari said that the talabi report indicates that internal control is strong. He said, "This must be done, it is a kind of audit to see whether all the employees have been paid or not."

Chief Minister Yamlal Kandel said that although this is an important issue, it has not been prioritized yet. He said that now we have to start solving this too.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १६:३६
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