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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६४

Today is the last day to submit claims for the Chief Ministership in Karnali, yet the share is not met


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After Karnali Chief Minister Rajkumar Sharma resigned last Wednesday, Provincial Chief Minister Tilak Pariyar gave 7 days time on Wednesday and called for the formation of a new government. But despite Tuesday being the last day, UML parliamentary party leader Yamlal Kandel has not been able to submit his claim for the Chief Ministership.

Today is the last day to submit claims for the Chief Ministership in Karnali, yet the share is not met

Kandel was not able to submit his claim because the new power coalition parties did not agree on the distribution of ministries. The Maoists are in the position that they should submit their claim after finalizing the share according to their demands, while the UML is in favor of submitting their claim first and moving on to other discussions. According to the agreement of the new coalition party, it was agreed to give the leadership of Karnali government to UML. According to which, the Maoists have demanded to have four ministries including the Speaker.

UML chief whip Tekraj Pachai said that the problem arose when the Maoists started increasing their demands. "We had tried to submit the claim within 1/2 day, but the time to submit the claim has been extended since both parties agreed," he said. Now UML's Nanda Gurung is the Speaker of the Karnali State Assembly.

Maoist MP Durg Bahadur Rawat said that Maoists have submitted claims to 4 ministries including economic affairs. He said that since his party is bigger than UML in the state assembly, he wants a respectable presence in the next government.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २७, २०८० ११:२३
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