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Electricity reached Bam village in Mugu

राजबहादुर शाही

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Combined electricity service of National Power Line Transmission Line and Gamgadh Hydropower Project has reached 14 Bam village of Chayannath Rara Municipality located in Raj Bahadur Shazilla. Locals are happy after the electricity in the village.

Electricity reached Bam village in Mugu

The head of Nepal Electricity Authority Gamgarh distribution center Sajan Aidy said that electricity service has been extended to Bam village by placing a 50 kV transfer. He said that now the locals have been provided the facility to turn on electricity at home by keeping a meter box.

Bam villagers have been lighting candles from their ancestors.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २५, २०८० १८:३१
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