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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७९

The 'Dalit Rights' Bill has been stuck in the Chief Minister's office for five years


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The 'Dalit Rights Promotion, Empowerment and Development Bill', which was drafted five years ago, is stuck in the office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers. Even after five years of drafting, the bill has not been submitted to the provincial assembly. Balveer Sunar, an officer of the Ministry of Social Development, said that the bill was sent to the Chief Minister's Office twice but could not be moved forward.

The 'Dalit Rights' Bill has been stuck in the Chief Minister's office for five years

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning and the Ministry of Social Development have agreed to the bill made for the promotion of Dalit rights. However, due to the staff of the Chief Minister's Office, the Bill has not been advanced.

The Law Secretary of the Chief Minister's Office has stopped it. They did not allow the bill to go ahead saying it would be expensive,' Sunar said, 'Karnali has 29 percent Dalit population. It is necessary to make a law related to Dalit rights.'

Rights activists have alleged that the government is not interested in making Dalit-friendly Act. In the draft, it is mentioned that the law is necessary to ensure the fundamental rights of Dalits living in Karnali province, effective implementation of prevailing legal system, human rights and social justice. The draft of the bill mentions the aim of ending caste violence and inequality created by untouchability and caste discrimination against Dalits. A monitoring committee on caste discrimination and untouchability has been envisioned in the

draft. It is proposed that the committee will consist of minister chairpersons of departmental ministries and Dalit members of the state assembly, secretaries of the office of the chief minister and council of ministers, secretaries of the ministry of internal affairs and law, chief attorney general, state police chief and four persons working in the field of Dalit rights and human rights. In the

draft, a Local Racial Discrimination and Untouchability Monitoring Committee has been proposed under the leadership of the head or chairman of the local level. It has been mentioned that the committee will work to end caste discrimination and untouchability at the local level and promote the rights of the Dalit community.

In accordance with the provisions of the draft constitution, it has been proposed to provide free education with scholarships to Dalit community students from primary to higher education in government and community educational institutions of Karnali province.

'The bill was stopped not by the Chief Minister's Office, but by the Ministry of Social Development,' said the source. Law Secretary of the Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers, Shankar KC, said that based on the opinion given by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Law, the bill can be revised and approved.

First, the bill was amended and sent to the provincial assembly, and after the term of office was over, the bill became inactive again. There is a saying.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ४, २०८० १५:३१
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