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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२८

Expansion of the government again in Bagmati, Rama Ale Magar of CPN SK became the minister

सुवास विडारी

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In Wagmati province, the government has been extended again on Tuesday morning. United Samajwadi MP Rama Alemgar has been appointed as a minister. She has taken the oath of office and secrecy as a non-departmental minister from the state chief Yadav Sharma.

Expansion of the government again in Bagmati, Rama Ale Magar of CPN SK became the minister

Ale was appointed as a non-departmental minister by Chief Minister Shalikram Jamkattel on Monday evening. The chief minister's office said that he will be given departmental responsibility within a week. Samajwadi told Ale not to go to the provincial assembly meeting on Monday saying that he should be made a minister. She reached the state assembly only after the assurance of making Ale a minister.

It was because of him that the state assembly meeting that was supposed to be held at 1 o'clock was moved to 4 o'clock. With his participation in the meeting, the Chief Minister got the votes of 56 members of the state assembly and the government was saved.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २०, २०८० ०९:२५
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