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Chief Minister Jamkattel got a vote of confidence

सुवास विडारी

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Wagmati Chief Minister Shalikram Jamkattel has received the vote of confidence. Chief Minister Jamkattel got the same number of votes as he needed the support of 56 MPs to save the government.

Chief Minister Jamkattel got a vote of confidence

Chief Minister Jamkattel received the votes of UML, CPN-S and our Nepal Party, apart from the Maoists. 37 people voted against him while 15 people voted neutral.

Chief Minister Jamkattel was voted by 27 MPs from UML, 21 MPs from Maoist Center, 7 MPs from CPN (S) and 1 MP from our Nepali Party (HANEPA). Only the Congress voted against him. RPP and Nepal Labor Kisan Party MPs voted neutral. 1 member of parliament of Hanepa was absent during the voting process.

After the old power partner Congress withdrew its support, Chief Minister Jammakattel, who was in a minority, took a vote of confidence. On February 23, after the Congress recalled its 6 ministers and withdrew its support to the government, Jamkattel had to take a vote of confidence.

In the 110-member Wagmati State Assembly, 56 MPs are needed to secure a majority for the government. In the state assembly, UML, which is part of the new alliance, has 55 votes, 27 of which are Maoist Center 21 and 7 of United Socialist Party. 1 vote is required to sustain the government. Because of this, the government needs the support of Hanepa. There are 37 MPs from Congress, 13 MPs from RPP and 3 MPs from Nemkipa in the state assembly.

In Wagmati, Chief Minister Jamkattel has made Shailendra Bajracharya of our Nepal Party as a minister to get a majority. Similarly, it has been agreed to give the Chief Minister to the Unified Samajwadi Party in the second phase.

Chief Minister Jamkattel took the vote of confidence on December 27 and Chait 10 last year.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १९, २०८० १८:२१
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