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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७०

Encircle the forest office asking to stop extraction of river products

शिव पुरी

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Local residents have surrounded the division forest office Chandranigahpur saying that the mining of river products in Brindavan municipality has not been stopped.

Encircle the forest office asking to stop extraction of river products

The local residents entered the office of the head of the forest office and questioned why the excavation was not stopped. They did not even let the head of the forest office come out of the office on Monday afternoon.

Nepali Congress and CPN-Maoist Center have been protesting saying that river mining is illegal. On Monday, Congress regional chairman and former mayor of Brindavan Ramsnehi Rai Yadav, mayoral candidate of Maoist center Ram Prasad Patel, ward chairman of Brindavan Municipality-2 Sikindra Patel, ward no. A large number of local residents, including the chairman of 4 Shyam Yadav, reached the forest office.

They entered the office of Shailendra Mishra, the head of the forest office, and put pressure on them to stop the excavation. "Since today, the forest office has remained silent due to the illegal mining," said Yadav, regional president of the Congress, "If there was no agreement, it could have been stopped immediately. We will sit around the forest office until the forest stops the excavation.

Mayor Binod Prasad Patel started digging in the deposit and the locals tried to stop it. In this process, clashes have arisen many times. Mishra, the head of the forest office, said that a team has been sent to stop the excavation of Brindavan. The local residents vandalized the area saying that excavation was done in the river only on Sunday evening.

After that, another angry group set fire to the cow farm of the ward president Shyam Yadav in Brindavan Municipality-4.

There has been a dispute between people's representatives for a long time on the issue of river excavation. Binod Patel, the mayor of the city, has been claiming that the excavation was carried out within the limits of the rules.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २८, २०८१ १९:००
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