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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १४९

An old woman was killed in Bagmati in Sarlahi

ओमप्रकाश ठाकुर

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An old woman was killed in Wagmati Municipality of Sarlahi on Tuesday evening. Parvati Mahato, 70 years old wife of Baiju Mahato of Jirayat, Wagmati Municipality-4, was killed. The police said that Parvati's body was found murdered in her own house at 6:30 pm on Tuesday evening.

On Wednesday morning, a local youth was arrested for being involved in the murder and further investigation is underway. Superintendent of Police Dayanidhi Gyawali informed. According to him The details of the murder are yet to be gathered. The police also recovered a piece of wood with blood on the face of the deceased and near the body.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २१, २०८० १०:३७
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