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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७०

All community schools in Saptari's Bishnupur village are closed

Education of more than four thousand students affected
अवधेशकुमार झा

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All the schools in Saptari's Bishnupur village have been closed since Tuesday when the date of SEE and annual examination is approaching. The schools were closed after the teachers working in the schools went on sit-in at the village municipality office demanding salary.

All community schools in Saptari's Bishnupur village are closed

Since last July, the teachers have not received their salaries and allowances, and the school was closed from Tuesday and they went to the municipal office, and the education was stopped. The teachers have not received the tabal because the village assembly of the municipality could not be held .

There are five secondary and 13 basic community schools in Bishnupur village. According to Kusheshwar Mandal, principal of Janata Secondary School Itahari, who is the coordinator of the struggle committee formed by the teachers, there are 192 teachers working in all the community schools of the municipality.

'Out of 192 teachers, 13 have not been paid since last May', the principal said, 'the remaining 179 have not received their salary since last July.' It was difficult for the teachers to run,' the principal added, 'We have repeatedly requested the village office for salary but nothing came, we were forced to close the school and came to the municipality.'

They said that they did not want to close the school in the face of SEE and annual exams. "We are not from Choh, but what can we do, we have been able to run our household without getting paid," he said, "Teachers come to teach when they are full, and teachers have become poor as they have not been paid for a long time." Not getting paid .

why teaching staff Didn't get salary ?

Umesh Prasad Yadav of Janata Samajwadi Party was elected president and Renukumari Yadav of Nepali Congress was elected vice president in Bishnupur village of Saptari in the last local elections.

The abuse of authority investigation commission filed a charge sheet against President Yadav along with two staff members in the special court on August 19, saying that the chairman of the village municipality, Umesh Prasad Yadav, was also involved in the bribery transaction that took place during the payment of a solar light installation scheme. Vice President Renukumari Yadav has become the Acting President after the suspension of Municipal President Yadav.

Before President Yadav was suspended, Bishnupur village council had announced a village meeting on 8th of June. After President Yadav was suspended, the municipality was preparing for the village assembly after the decision of the village assembly was nowhere to be found. The assembly was adjourned after the village assembly convened by Acting President Renukumari Yadav on January 19 did not reach a majority. Balram Yadav, Ward President of Ward No. 1, said, 'The Acting President tried to please us, he did not inform us about the meeting.'' No . Since the meeting could not be held, none of the employees working in the municipality have received their salary and all the works including development construction have stopped.

The Acting President of the municipality, Renukumari Yadav, claimed to have held a village meeting. "After the village meeting, I gave the decision to the chief administrative officer for implementation, but he did not implement it," she said.

Ujjwal Anand, who is the chief administrative officer of Bishnupur Village, said that he has been transferred elsewhere. "I took leave from Bishnupur Rural Municipality" Anand said, "I have not received any authority for implementation as a village council, but after seeing disputes, I got transferred elsewhere." With his transfer, this municipality is now without a chief administrative officer.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० १९:५८
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