कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

SEE : 4 GPA of 8 people from Morang


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53.29 percent of the 17,545 examinees from 394 community and institutional schools in Morang participated in the 2080 SEE. 8 of them have got 4 GPA. All of them are students of institutional schools.

SEE : 4 GPA of 8 people from Morang

169 community and 225 institutional schools participated in SEE in the district. Those who got 4 GPA are Raju Sah, Subrata Baral and Grateful Dahal of Everest Boarding School, Biratnagar, Pratibha Rauniar of Sagarmatha Residential School, Satish Acharya and Ajay Limbu of Red Star Boarding School Pathari, Anvesha Basnet of Pashupati Residential School Urlabari and Sirin Bhattarai of Budhanilkanth Residential School, Biratnagar .

Among the public schools of Biratnagar, which have been the attraction of unmarried people with GPA of 4 consecutively, the results of Pokhariya Mavi and Ardash Mavi have dropped this year . Anil Kumar Kevarat of Ardash has passed 93.37 percent with 3.95 GPA and Dipesh Kumar Mandal with 93.37 GPA. Similarly, Rijn Mishra of Pokhariyya High School has got 89.37 percent result with 3.86 GPA .

Out of 17 thousand 545 examinees in Morang, only 8 thousand 889 i.e. 53.29 percent of students have passed according to Tank Prasad Gautam, Head of District Education Coordinating Unit. According to him, while 8 people got 4 GPA, 1 thousand 124 people got 3.61 to 3.96, 3 thousand 66 people got 3.21 to 3.60 GPA, 3 thousand 33 people got 2.81 to 3.20, 1 thousand 5 116 people have got 2.41 to 2.80 GPA and 142 people have got 2.9 to 2.40 GPA .

Gautam said that 2 thousand 150 examinees of Morang had one and 1 thousand 373 had two subjects. According to him, the passing percentage of some community schools in the district has been found to be zero and the identity of those schools is yet to be revealed.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १८:३२
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