कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The 'backbenchers' who came to leadership by bowing down do not know how to do politics: Chief Minister Karki


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The Chief Minister of Koshi Province, Hikmat Kumar Karki, has said that the 'backbenchers' who have reached the political leadership by bowing down at times have not been able to lead and do not know how to lead. Aiming at the outgoing Chief Minister of Koshi, Kedar Karki, he said in an event in Itahari on Sunday, 'That is why education is essential for politicians.'

The 'backbenchers' who came to leadership by bowing down do not know how to do politics: Chief Minister Karki

Addressing the program organized by Ithari Jessies, Chief Minister Karki said that to become a successful leader, first of all it is necessary to know oneself. Chief Minister Karki said, "You can become a successful leader by understanding yourself and your responsibility towards the society and the nation. Successful leadership is produced".

The Chief Minister said that a negative comment has been created among the general public about the leader and pointed out that it is necessary for the leaders to be able to remove the comment that the leaders are corrupt, uneducated and adulterous.

Saying that leaders should always be aware of financial gain and greed, he said that financial greed will spoil the image of the leaders and ultimately lead to distrust from the people.

Chief Minister Karki claimed that the state government is giving the best results in the federal structure and claimed that the development that was not seen in 20 years before federalism has happened in the past 6 years. Karki added, 'That's why federalism should not be considered as an opportunity, it should be considered as an opportunity.'

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २७, २०८१ १६:३१
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