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Udaipur Jeep accident: Eight killed, all identified [Update]


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The death toll in the accident of a passenger jeep going from Dharan to Bhojpur Ghoretar has reached eight. Police said that seven people died on the spot and one more person died during treatment in Dharan.

Udaipur Jeep accident: Eight killed, all identified [Update]

According to Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Sudipraj Pathak, Chief of Police of District Police Office Bhojpur, all the deceased have been identified. Among the deceased are 40-year-old Man Bahadur Basnet, driver of Itahari 9, 70-year-old Parvatamaya Rai of Hatuwagadhi Rural Municipality 2 of Bhojpur, 23-year-old Chandraprakash Rai, 6-month-old girl Bisang Chamling Rai, 32-year-old Rajkumari Rai of Hatuwagadhi 5, 68-year-old Padam Bahadur Thapa of Hatuwagadhi 9, 45 Police chief DSP Pathak informed that the identity of 42-year-old Kamala Adhikari and 42-year-old Kishan Rai of Hatuwagadhi 5 has been identified.

Kishan Rai died during treatment. Also, those seriously injured in the accident were rescued and sent to BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences in Dharan for treatment. Police chief DSP Pathak informed that a team of 12 policemen, seven from the local police office Ghoretar and five from Hassanpur, was immediately sent to the spot and rescue arrangements were made. The police said that the details of the injured are also being taken.

Ko1J 2593 jeep number coming from Dharan to the south of Bhojpur had an accident at Belka 7 in Udaipur around 10:30 this morning. According to the police, the accident occurred because the jeep was carrying more passengers than its capacity.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १, २०८० १६:५१
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