कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७०

MP Shakya's proposal to include the subject of respecting senior citizens in the school curriculum itself


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National Assembly MP Anjan Shakya has proposed that service and respect for senior citizens should be included in the school curriculum. Speaking in the National Assembly, she also mentioned that the state should pay attention to the mental, physical and overall health conditions of senior citizens.

MP Shakya's proposal to include the subject of respecting senior citizens in the school curriculum itself

He was of the opinion that all senior citizens can participate in respectful behavior if it is included in the curriculum of the school level.

Union, state and local governments should coordinately improve the care of senior citizens until they die and manage senior citizen club, senior citizen shelter center or senior citizen day center.

She also said that for urban beauty and cleanliness, the park construction work should be conducted as a campaign for the promotion of greenery on the city's river banks in collaboration with the local level .

'In order to achieve sustainable development goals, it seems that the budget should be increased for programs such as intensive urban development programs, regional urban development projects, and new city development projects for modern sustainable and systematic urbanization,' she said. It is necessary to make administrative arrangements. Only if that happens, the projects can be completed on time.'

Shakya said that there is no management in daily essential food and other living things for Nepalese and there is a need to address this issue in the budget. She also said.

"No concrete programs have been brought in the budget for the proper management and promotion of private sector industries that are running at less than 40 percent production capacity," she said. It is necessary to pay attention to that.'

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १६:४५
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