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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६६

Even if you fail to make a national identity card, you will not be deprived of the facilities you will get from the state: Home Minister Lamichhane


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Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane has said that even if the national identity card is missed, citizens will not be deprived of services. Answering the questions of MPs in the House of Representatives meeting on Monday, Home Minister Lamichhane mentioned that only 28 districts have been given time to make national identity cards by the end of August.

Even if you fail to make a national identity card, you will not be deprived of the facilities you will get from the state: Home Minister Lamichhane

He made it clear that the services and facilities provided by the state will not be deprived if it is not completed even by the end of August.

'Even if no one has filled it till the middle of August, we have set the time even though in the first phase we have not been able to fill in 28 districts, there is still time for them till the middle of August. Even if it is filled up to the middle of August, the common citizens should not be deprived of the services and facilities provided by the state. I would like to make it clear if the story may have been missed even by August, the state will never alienate citizens from the facilities they get from the state.' Home Minister Lamichhane said . Create

now quickly and He said that there is a queue because the whole family is making it at the same time. In the management of which additional human resources have been used through the District Administration Office. There has been a flow of more manpower in the local bodies. Due to the tendency to act quickly as soon as we get the information, there is certainly a rush. There is no need to rush. There is no need to do it immediately. First, we have gone to the stage of implementing it in 28 districts. In 28 districts, the state will not deprive you of your rights if you leave by the end of August," said Home Minister Lamichhane.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १४:४२
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