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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६५

Decision of the Congress to submit the documents passed by the General Committee to the Central Committee


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The Nepali Congress has decided to take the party documents passed by the General Committee meeting to the Central Committee meeting.

Decision of the Congress to submit the documents passed by the General Committee to the Central Committee

The decision was taken at a meeting of party officials and ex-officers at Budhanilkanth, the residence of chairman Sher Bahadur Deuba, on Monday.

Meen Bishwakarma, the party's central member and head of the propaganda department, informed that the meeting decided to take the document to the central committee to finalize it. He also said that the

meeting discussed the issue of additions to the central committees of most of the fraternal organizations of the party as their term has expired.

In the General Committee meeting of the Congress last February, Deputy Chairman Purna Bahadur Khadka, General Minister Gagan Thapa and another General Minister Vishwaprakash Sharma submitted separate documents.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १७:५३
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