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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६५

BRI cannot be accepted as a loan: Congress


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The main opposition party Nepali Congress has concluded that the BRI project initiated by the Chinese government cannot be accepted as a loan.

BRI cannot be accepted as a loan: Congress

The meeting of party officials and ex-officers held on Monday concluded that BRI can be accepted as 'assistance or grant', but cannot be accepted as a loan. After the

meeting, spokesperson Prakasharan Mahat said that the meeting decided to draw the government's attention to the fact that the BRI project cannot be accepted as a loan.

'We are already in debt . Again, even the projects received with grants and assistance have not been completed. At such a time, it is not possible to take additional loans to advance the development work. Our conclusion is that it is not right for us to take a loan when we cannot use the grant support,' he said, 'I want to draw the government's attention to this matter.'

After the rise of Xi Jinping in China, the 'One Belt One Road' (OBOR) project was launched in 2013. Which was later named BRI .

When Congress President Deuba was the Prime Minister, when China wanted to advance the project, Nepal replied that it would only accept grants, concessional loans and investments. China called the project a 'commercial' loan as a form of cooperation and cooperation. Nepal became a member country of BRI in 2017. After that, Nepal sent China a list of 35 projects to be built under BRI.

Nepal sent 9 projects after China asked them to reduce it to one digit. Which has not been officially confirmed by the Nepali side. The Chinese side also did not mention that Nepal proposed those 9 projects . Recently, the Congress has drawn the attention of the government to the fact that the Pushpa Kamal Dahal government is going ahead with the project.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १७:४२
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