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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Let the government launch a campaign against Chhaupadi corruption: MP Rana


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Congress MP Arju Rana Deuba has demanded the government to launch a campaign against the Chhaupadi malpractice in Far West. On June 3, MP Rana raised the issue of a girl being raped by her relatives in Chowgoth and suggested that a public awareness campaign should be launched as the bad practice will not end if the Chowgoth is demolished.

Let the government launch a campaign against Chhaupadi corruption: MP Rana

In the meeting of the House of Representatives on Sunday, MP Rana said that in the past, the government had demolished the encampments but that was not the end of the bad practice.

'About 8 years ago today, I was standing in this House and talking about my daughter who died after being bitten by a snake in the corner. Even today, a girl was raped in Achham on June 3,' said MP Rana, 'such incidents are happening in our country . Even though the government demolished 7 thousand 545 slums between 2075 and 2078, this crime is still going on.'

MP Rana's suggestion was that the government should launch a campaign against Chhaupadi malpractice in society and schools. She said, 'Nepal government should launch a comprehensive campaign against this. I would like to request that not only the demolition of empty sheds but also a publicity campaign, a campaign to raise public awareness and a campaign to teach about menstruation from school.'

On 3rd of June, a girl was raped in Panchdeval Vinayak Municipality-2 of Achham. A 16-year-old girl who was studying at her maternal uncle's house was raped by her maternal uncle on Monday midnight. The police have arrested the accused 17-year-old juvenile. The girl was raped by a relative of her uncle when she went out to urinate at 2 o'clock in the night. After the rape, the girl was unconscious and taken to the hospital. After coming to his senses, it was revealed that he had been raped.

प्रकाशित : असार ९, २०८१ १३:३४
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