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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८५

Yadav nominated as General Secretary of LOSPA


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Sheetal Prasad Yadav has been nominated as General Secretary of Democratic Socialist Party (LOSP) Nepal.

Yadav nominated as General Secretary of LOSPA

President Mahant Thakur has nominated Siraha Yadav as the general secretary of the central member Yadav according to the revised interim constitution of the party.

LOSPA Nepal has started a membership distribution campaign aimed at the convention. According to which, membership distribution program is scheduled to be held in Siraha next Saturday. On October 8, President Thakur announced a 311-member central committee. There are 64 officials including the chairman in the

working committee. Among the officials, Rajendra Mahato, Anil Kumar Jha, Keshav Jha, Kaushal Kumar Singh and others have left the party.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ १५:०५
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