A fourth case of illegal acquisition of property was filed against Vikal Paudel


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Another corruption case has been filed against Vikal Poudel, the then executive director of Suraksha Printing Center, on charges of illegal wealth acquisition. Commission for Investigating Abuse of Authority has filed a corruption case in the special court on Wednesday with a demand of 1.5 billion rupees.

A fourth case of illegal acquisition of property was filed against Vikal Paudel

The Authority has filed a corruption case against Paudel, who was twice the executive director of the Suraksha Printing Center and previously held a public position at the National Information Technology Center.

Paudel was found guilty by a special court on charges of corruption in purchasing equipment and consulting services for Surakshan Printing Center on Tuesday.

Similarly, a corruption case was filed only last week on charges of corruption in the purchase of other equipment of Surakshan Printing, and before that, on the first week of April, the authority filed a case against him in a special court for the crime of falsely holding a public office while having a US permanent residence permit.

The authority has filed four cases against Wikal in the special court, including the one filed on Wednesday. One of them has been convicted and two are pending.

According to the indictment filed by the authority in the special court, he has kept the wealth he earned through corruption in the names of various people. It has been mentioned that the authority needs to investigate further as Vigo is involved in the purchase of real estate, opening bank accounts abroad and depositing foreign currency, Rashtra Bank revenue and asset laundering.

According to the authority, among the minimum fines established against him, the assets that have not been disclosed in the name of land purchase were determined on the basis of the government's low valuation.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १६:१२
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