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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७०

When the law to implement federalism was not made, the opposition got a chance to question: Deputy Prime Minister Khadka


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Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Purna Bahadur Khadka has said that if the necessary laws for the implementation of federalism are not made on time, the opponents have got a chance to question. He said that those who question federalism are getting an opportunity if the necessary laws are not made even eight years after the promulgation of the constitution.

When the law to implement federalism was not made, the opposition got a chance to question: Deputy Prime Minister Khadka

Deputy Prime Minister Khadka said that the answer to the questions raised on federalism should be given by making laws. Deputy Prime Minister Khadka while inaugurating the Karnali Expo in Birendranagar, the capital of Karnali Province on Tuesday, said that the government will soon make necessary laws and implement federalism.

'Provincial and local levels have not been able to use the necessary rights due to the lack of necessary laws to be made after the promulgation of the constitution. This is the reason why those who question federalism, republic and democracy are getting a chance,' he said, 'the current government is active for the implementation of federalism by making laws soon.'

Khadka said that the government which got two-thirds of the votes in the past failed to implement federalism and the current government does not have that exemption. He said, 'to serve the people And there is no difference between the political parties on the matter of making the country prosperous, everyone has the same goal.'

Deputy Prime Minister Khadka said that the police adjustment process has progressed and mentioned that it will be completed soon. In addition to the process of amending the Civil Service Act, He said that the government is creating laws by registering most of the laws related to federalism in the parliament during the winter session.

Deputy Prime Minister Khadka also said that there are signs of improvement in the country's economy. He said that due to Corona epidemic, Russia-Ukraine war, the country's economy had a big impact and mentioned that now the economy is improving. "We have been improving the negative effects on the economy, there has been an improvement in some external indicators," he said, "the economy is slowly coming back to normal." Stating that the monetary policy has been changed by the government based on the suggestions of the private sector, he also asked to raise the issue of reform efforts made by the government.

Deputy Prime Minister Khadka said that due to the Forest and Land Acts, there has been a hindrance in development and construction, and said that both Acts are in the process of being amended . "I am in the government myself, it took nine months to cut trees and acquire land on the Madan Bhandari highway," he said, "The government has started the process of removing the complicated and difficult provisions in the Forest and Land Act."

Although the budget has been allocated, there is a situation of non-implementation due to problems in tree cutting and land acquisition, he said, and this has also affected the economy. "Budgets are allocated for planning, there is no capital expenditure due to forest and land, and the economy has been affected because money cannot go to the market," he said.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० २१:०१
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