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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११८

The process of appointing the vice-chancellor of the university was not fair and independent: Bhattarai


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UML's Yogesh Kumar Bhattarai has claimed that the Vice-Chancellor appointment process of Tribhuvan University is not fair and independent.

The process of appointing the vice-chancellor of the university was not fair and independent: Bhattarai

In Thursday's meeting of the House of Representatives, MP Bhattarai claimed that even though Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal will appoint the Vice Chancellor in a clean and independent manner, it has not been transparent in the end. He claimed that by keeping low marks in the research and presentation and keeping high marks in the interview and the process of conducting the interview by the Minister of Education and the Secretary of Education, qualified persons cannot be selected .

Asserting that people from factions within the party are going to be appointed as vice-chancellor, Bhattarai also said that it is not good for the vice-chancellor to interview the vice-chancellor. He criticized the current vice-chancellor appointment process and demanded that the vice-chancellor appointment process be stopped immediately and the selection process be carried out in a free and fair manner.

'The post of Vice-Chancellor has been vacant in Tribhuvan University since last Kartik month . The Prime Minister proceeded to appoint the Vice-Chancellor in a clean and independent manner. There was nothing clean, healthy, competitive and transparent about this process . Bhattarai said, "Who will take the interview than the Minister of Education and the Secretary of Education with a very low number in the research and dissertation, and who will take the interview to become the vice-chancellor of the university? Through such a process, people from factions within the party have been held hostage to the university as it is now.'

Bhattarai demanded that the current process for the appointment of vice-chancellor should be stopped and a new process should be started. "This process should be stopped immediately and the vice-chancellor selection process should be carried out in a free and fair manner." The situation is similar in Western and Far Western Universities. Pay attention to this side as well," he said.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १०, २०८० १२:३७
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