कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Aryal was appointed as the head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication


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Associate Professor Dr. Kundan Aryal has been appointed as the head of the Journalism and Mass Communication Department of Tribhuvan University. Professionally, Aryal, who is connected to both journalism and academic fields, is also active in the field of human rights.

Aryal was appointed as the head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Aryal, who stands for press freedom and human rights, formally entered the university service as a deputy professor in 2068.

Even before that, he was teaching the same subject in Tribhuvan and Purvanchal University. Aryal graduated from Tribhuvan University with the title "Transition of Newspaper Journalism from Partisanship to Commercialism in Post 1990 Nepal".

He is the first researcher to graduate from the Central Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. After the restoration of democracy in Nepal, his area of ​​research is how newspapers of party faith became professional.

Aryal has always emphasized the need for collaboration between the newsroom and the classroom to strengthen the journalism sector and its higher education. "I will focus on the work of creating the curriculum according to the manpower required by the journalism sector and connecting the new room and the classroom," department head Aryal said to Ekantipur. He promised to focus the department on short-term journalism courses and research.

Before joining Aryal University, he held the position of editor of Himal Khabar magazine. Prior to that, Aryal, who played a leading role in various weekly newspapers, published books and cartoons on human rights and press.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १७:५५
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