कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११८

'Art and Literature Festival' at Imperial World School


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A two-day Kathmandu Literature Festival has been organized at the Imperial World School in Budhanilkanth Municipality of Kathmandu. Senior comedian Madankrishna Shrestha was the chief guest of the opening program of the festival.

'Art and Literature Festival' at Imperial World School

In addition, a book called 'Parivartanka Abharu' written by school children in Nepali language and a book written in English language 'I Will Tell You A Story' have also been released. Senior comedian Madankrishna Shrestha, recalling the early days of his acting and singing journey, urged the children to make use of this golden opportunity, saying that they had the opportunity to learn literature and art right from school.

He said that such an important festival will inspire the students of Imperial World School to engage in plays, stories, poetry writing, painting and acting from an early age. The founder president of the school, Kumar Karki, said that the creations of the students were published in the form of a book to bring out the creativity and skillful abilities of the students to realize the slogan of 'Today's students are the leaders of the country tomorrow'.

Similarly, the principal of the school, Junita Shahi Karki, said that the festival was organized with the aim of facilitating the development of the art of story, song, poem writing, acting in drama and painting in both Nepali/English languages. She informed that she is organizing the Kathmandu Literature Festival every year to help the students of this school to become capable citizens by providing them with quality education.

22 experts from various fields including art, language, song, music and musical instruments had special interaction with the students during the 2-day literature festival on Monday and Tuesday. Similarly, an exhibition of various paintings made by the students and a play in Nepali and English languages ​​were also held. Also, materials reflecting Nepali art culture, materials of methods used in mathematics, and various pictures made by students have been displayed.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० २०:५३
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