कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Bhakta Baba who drinks the poison of life

Did my father really resolve to sacrifice any part of his body to Bho Baba? Is his tongue offered to God?
A logic arose in my mind - the biggest event in my father's life happened on Monday. Will the father go to Paramdham on Monday?

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A grand party was going on. Our brothers (Satya-Swaroop) were also invited to the wedding party of famous artist Ravi Giri's son. By the time we got there, it was already dark. Everyone was engrossed in their own tunes. The two hands of the thin, long and medium-sized clock were slowly dragging the shorter hand along with them.

Bhakta Baba who drinks the poison of life

It felt like someone was staring at me from a distance. Who is that person? Why did you look that way? It felt a bit uncomfortable and I finally gave up. In no time, Ravi Dai entered the Magic Shot along with that person and introduced us.

'I am Ramesh Podar! I am especially sure of Bhaktaraj Acharya, even though they don't listen that deeply, they have the heart to work on some bhajans.' After we said, 'I will do it', he took the matter from another dimension again. "There is something very important concerning your father, but I would like to come home and say it only in front of him."

We are confused. What is so important about the father? Which should be said in front of the father at home. Seeing the confusion of the brothers, Ravi Dai took us to the corner and made it clear to us, 'This man is very dangerous.' Then what is the most important thing? Eager to understand, we allowed him to come home.

Podar arrived at our house after a few days. Along with Swaroop and me, he also entered his father's room. He directly placed his hands on his father's head. Father looked angrily at Podar because a person he did not know put his hand on his head like that. However, one thing that Podar did with us made his father's anger disappear in a moment. The matter was as follows, 'Your father is a great devotee of Bhole Baba, ask him if you don't believe him.' Father never talked to us about it. Moreover, I myself am a devotee of Bhole Baba. I have been fasting every Monday for the past twelve years. My father knew about my fast. I thought, at least the father should tell me that reference to Bhole Baba, even if he didn't say the form!

I asked myself, 'Is this true and father?' He first looked at Podar and then slowly nodded his head at me and gave silent approval. Podar made another shocking point. "Many years ago, your father took a terrible step when he wandered around saying that he would become a successful singer, but he didn't get anywhere. Bhole had vowed to offer one of his body parts to Baba if his wish was fulfilled. As a result of that, he offered his tongue to Bhole Baba. Podar's statement was not at all ordinary. He said something very stormy. That's why the atmosphere was like the calm after the storm. What's going on here? Why and for what reason is it happening? One has to listen to lifeless anecdotes that have not been heard in life. Such thoughts started floating in the minds of our brothers.

We both got lost. We looked at Podar strangely, along with father. At once the silence was broken by a question directed towards the father, 'Is this also true, father?' This time the father said he did not remember, but Podar was more focused on confirming it.

Podar started his motorcycle. I left Swaroop inside with my father and went out. Looking at me, Podar said, "Whether you believe what I said before or not, but remember it!" One day you will definitely see the face of Bhole Baba in your father.'

I took a shower and sat looking at the smoke blown by Podar's motorcycle. Along with that smoke, another smoke of the amazing fire that Podar had ignited in his heart began to fly. Was Bhole really a devotee of Baba as Father Podar said? Did he resolve to sacrifice any part of his body? After the completion of the resolution, Bhole Baba was offered his tongue? These and similar questions were turning the smoke into a thick mist.

We already understood that he was a great believer from the account of his singing of spiritual hymns full of devotion and devotion, but today someone made it known that he was also a devotee of Baba. Which we didn't know, nor did father let us know. If Podar had not come home, this secret would have remained in the womb.

Suddenly my head spins badly. Many questions got stuck in the brain and became like a spider's web - What is the connection between bhole baba and baba? To what extent should Bhaktaraj be a devotee? I wanted to find out that secret and developed a burning desire to go deeper into the subject.

So I started looking for it with my father's autobiography that I was writing. I thought, somewhere the point of that sharp point will definitely be found. After reading the book word by word, I found a surprising coincidence in two incidents. The first was the day of the Buddhist invasion in the year 2046 and the second was the day of the tongue surgery at the AIIMS Hospital in New Delhi in the year 2050. Both these days had one similarity. It was Monday, which is considered as Bhole Baba's day. The day the head was broken and the day the tongue was cut was also Monday. After the

, even though it is considered as the day when father dedicated one of his organs to Bhole Baba, it has already fallen on Monday. Then suddenly a dangerous thing arose in my sinful mind. Since all the big and bad events of my father's life happened on Monday, why is it that the day of my father's departure is not on Monday?

From almost the first day of October 2080, father started crying that he had a headache. What happened to the father suddenly? We thought it might have been caused by the onset of cold weather.

But, the pain started increasing. Only on October 7th, the day of Dasain Tika, our family came to know that father fell in his room sometime at the end of October or the beginning of October, but we did not tell anyone. Thinking about it now, that bad incident might have happened on Monday itself. The impact of that went straight to the head. He became completely unrecognizable even to us. Dr. Basant Pant and Manik Lama were taken to see Dr. Basant Pant and Manik Lama at Annapurna Hospital under the guidance of our brother, family doctor Prateek Poudel.

A CT scan showed blood clots in several places on the head. The doctor said, "We should put him in the ICU and do the operation." For thirty years, father's body had no nutrition except milk. That too had to be given to him in a special vessel of his own kind. And, apart from our family, no one could feed my father. After giving anesthesia to an 82-year-old man, maybe he will come back or not? I thought so.

So we asked the doctor - is there any other way? Medicines can not dry the blood? Dr. Basant gave permission to go home, but on two conditions. Said, 'Firstly, you are taking my father at your own risk and secondly, I need to get his twenty-four hour health report, for that you have to keep a nurse at home.' On his initiative, a nurse Dr. As Basant said, she stayed at our house and worked round the clock. With the doctor's medicine and the care of nurse Angela Nepal, the father gradually became stronger. Now you started to recognize people and have double conversations.

The blood on the head dried up, but the impact of the injury was seen elsewhere. A vocal cord is paralyzed, making it very difficult for the father to even swallow milk. Father's appetite decreased by itself. In the house that used to get three mana of milk, now only one mana was coming. The body of forty-eight kilos decreased to forty-one kilos.

There wasn't much problem other than coughing and not being able to eat because of the throat. So Angela left us after staying for about three months when our family was able to take care of her. However, within a few days, a big thunderstorm hit our family. The father, who had returned to a normal state, bowed down to us all and took leave of this world.

I was not at home that day due to work. Swaroop calls Angela after the oxygen level suddenly drops to thirty five. After he gave some instructions, Swaroop acted accordingly, but no one can erase Bhavi's account. Whatever was meant to be, it ended up being. On 14th February 2080, at around 4:30 in the afternoon, father Brahmaleen passed away. As I thought earlier, the day of my father's Mahayatra to Paramadham has also fallen on Monday.

Bhimarjun Acharya is a very respected parent who gives us a lot of love and inspiration. After his father's passing away, we went to visit Dai where Kora was staying. It was a temple courtyard. After entering there, my heart kept telling me that we should come here later. Needless to say, that statement was true. Bhimarjun dai joined the hands of his father in the same temple for his thirteen days' stay. Later I found out that it is Bhole Baba's temple - Rudreshwar Mahadev's Shiva temple.

We were in Cora. Angela came to offer her condolences. Until that day, Angela, who lived as a family and took care of her father as her father, cried a lot. After a while, we also told him about the relationship between Bhole Baba and his father that we had experienced. Then she narrated her experience, listening to which we got closer to the sign between father and bhole baba.

Angela goes hiking before coming to our house. Looking at the Machhapuchhre mountain from the Mulde view point, it looks like Lord Bhole Baba is meditating on Kailash. As soon as he comes back, he has to work under the care of Bhaktaraj Acharya, a great seeker whom he likes very much. In fact she was also a devotee of Bhole Baba like me and fasted every Monday. On that day, all four doors of the temple were open. So the vision is also well done. After coming to our house, Angela served her father with all her heart. So his father was pleased with him. Angela was going to leave our house after my father became very strict. In that process, we ask permission from all the family and finally she goes to ask her father.

Working day and night like a daughter, seeing that the person who saved her is about to go like this, the father shows his love and says, 'Why did you have to go now? Don't stay for a few more days.' When Angela told the forced situation that she had to go because of important family work, her father's heart was upset and sometimes hurt. Making her heart sour, Angela left our house and went to visit the temple of Pashupatinath again, but alas! On that day, all four doors are closed. He thinks, "I was very happy when I came first. So all four doors were open to me. As a result, I was able to make my father happy, but today I am sad. Maybe it's because my father is also sad, all the doors must be closed for me today.'

Angela is going on a second hike. Suddenly his mobile rings, Swaroop's name appears on the screen. Swaroop asks for an opinion saying, 'It's difficult for father, what should he do?' She gives some advice saying 'do this, do that'.

However, why does he feel like everything is getting out of hand? Swaroop is called again at the same time. After not picking up the phone, Angela's name appeared on my mobile screen. I said, 'Father is saved'.

Angela's heart is heavy after hearing this. With tears falling from his eyes, he made a small stone nearby and prayed for the eternal peace of his father's divine soul, saying 'May he rest in Vaikuntha'. And when he was about to burn incense, he saw a temple nearby. That temple on the side of Korchan Hill also belongs to Shiva-Parvati.

After a few days, friend Surajsingh Thakuri arrived at the place where Kiriaputri was staying. When talking about my father, the topic of my father came up. He also said something amazing. It had been fourteen and a half months since we moved into a new house. The new place was named 'Sangeet Nagari' by the father himself. It was our old house in Mahalakshmisthan, which was built by my father. In fifty years, after tongue surgery, father did not have to be taken to the hospital for a single day. After being taken to the hospital several times from Sangeet Nagari and finally hearing that his father had left this world, Suraj asked, 'Is there a snake temple near your house?' The old residents used to say that there is indeed a five-headed snake's abode near our house. Suraj said, 'The main reason why my father had nothing while staying in the old house is that serpent god. While in that house he remained safe in spite of such great accidents, yet in the new house he was overtaken by a general sickness. Bhole Baba was protected by the same snake that protected his father.'

Then Suraj asked another thing, 'What should be offered to Shiva Linga?' We replied, 'Milk'. He said, 'You have only offered milk to my father for thirty years.' However, after my father's tongue surgery, we had to make him lie in bed and feed him milk three times a day. The famous senior lyricist Vishwaballab used to come to Kiriyaputri Bhavan every day to say hi in the morning and bye in the evening. He accompanied us for thirteen days. Even when we parted, we hugged and parted crying. Thinking about it later, Bhole Baba's connection was formed there as well. His special name is Vishwanath Bhattarai, Vishwanath is also the name of Bhole Baba.

According to Hinduism, a person remains a ghost for eleven days after death. On the twelfth day, the Sapindi goes to the ancestral line only after doing the Shraddha. The day of my father's fatherhood fell on 25th February 2080, Mahashivratri. Likewise, the next year's annuity also falls on Mahashivaratri on February 14, 2081.

After all, what kind of coincidence and relationship is this father's naive father? Suddenly I remembered Ramesh Podar and one special thing he said, 'One day you will definitely see Bhole Baba in your father.' I felt that I saw the form of a naive father in my father.

Just like Bhole Baba made himself a Neelkanth by drinking the halal poison released after the churning of the sea, after drinking the halal poison of the most difficult life that he had received, Bhaktaraj Acharya who lived like an indigo body for thirty-five years and lived for thirty-five years, what is Bhole Baba, but a Bhakta Baba? This profound question followed him throughout his life.

प्रकाशित : असार ८, २०८१ ११:०५
जनताको राय

प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले नेकपा एसको प्रतिवेदनमा माओवादीलाई 'अस्थिर' भनिएकोबारे महाधिवेशन उद्घाटन समारोहमै असन्तुष्टी व्यक्त गरेका छन् । माओवादीको कार्यशैली तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्छ ?
