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What do girls talk about?

Let's ask the girls themselves - how do you talk to each other? Are the topics of conversation between boys and girls the same or different?

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a farce
"What do you talk about when you meet as a girl-person?" - Boy.
"Boys talk like people do." - Girl.

What do girls talk about?

Girls are so loose? Shyya!' – boy.

This is a common joke of dialogue. However, Khulduli is alive in many - what do girls talk about when they really meet? Are the topics of conversation between boys and girls the same? that difference ?

In an interview conducted with actress Rekha Thapa during Teej a year ago, she said, "When men meet, they talk about how to strengthen their financial situation, what and how to do business, how to pay a loan, how to buy a house." But where did the girls get the jewelry when they met? How much did you buy the saree? Did you get dressed yesterday? There are things like that.'' Rekha adds, 'It is a matter of equality only after waking up from consciousness.' There is no need to disagree with Rekha's logic. But, as he said, do girls only talk about jewelry or sarees? Does his understanding apply to all girls? Come on, let's ask the girls themselves - what kind of conversation do you have with each other? What are your favorite gossip topics?

Don't women talk about 'serious' topics like business, economic prosperity, new technology, world political environment like men? Or do they not want to enter into those matters at all? That they can't do anything about it? There must be some basis behind all these.

Before looking for answers to these questions, you need to find out what topics people talk about. Also, the topic of conversation varies between time, place and person. Generally people talk about their basic interests, concerns, preferences and interests. When these topics are addressed, others will talk. If boy-person or girl-person both have common interests, concerns and topics of interest, then the topics of conversation are also common, otherwise different. It is natural that

interests differ from person to person. But, can people living in the same period of time have the same interests, concerns or priorities? The obvious answer is - it cannot be. Because the determinants of interests, concerns and needs vary from person to person. There is gender discrimination, class discrimination, caste discrimination in the society. That's why the topics of conversation are also different, aren't they? Topics of conversation are sexual, class-based. Experiences and feelings are different from person to person and so are the topics of conversation. With 'Time and Space', it was natural that the topic would be different.

What to write about the topic of conversation between girls and men of a certain age group? It continued during the crisis - the age group will not be separated by the numbers! I remembered some of the faces I met in the past - forty-year-olds, those who were crushed by the weight of experience in seventeen years! However, here I will write about the topics of conversation between girls and men in the age group of 16 to 25 years that I have met recently and previously and talked about many topics.

Deepika, a 17-year-old studying in class 11, was born and raised in Kathmandu. Angelina, Prapti, Aarushi are his study and best friend. When they are together, they usually talk about online shopping, Chinese dramas, music, social media (mainly Insta and a little TikTok), clothes and college 'assignments'. Various celebrities have their followers on social media. Sometimes things happen in the future! However, only the US and Australia will have such a future! I think we will finish 12th grade and go there! Why abroad? Deepika immediately says, "For freedom." What kind of "freedom"? How can I live in such a place if I can't even tell my parents whom I trust the most about the person I love? If my mother is more interested in the clothes I wear, my friends, and my neighbors are more interested than my mother, why live in such a society?'' his answer.

'And what will you do when you go abroad?' There is no discussion about this among friends. They gossip among themselves about 'free life' not about career after going abroad. And in the above discussion of 'free life' there is a fantasy of love life.

A tall and thin lover like the hero of a Chinese drama and gossip about his romance. However, there is not much talk between them about domestic matters. Sumina from Gulmi is sometimes included in their group. Sumina's goal is to become a government employee! That's why they don't like Sumina much. Deepika, the daughter of a government employee, says, "I hate the government and the government job!"

17-year-old Manita Vishwakarma (name changed) from Dolpa, Mudkechula has a slightly different story-content. Manita was on her way to Tripurasundari in Dolpa from Aathbiskot in Rukum via Jajarkot. He is also going to Dolpa from Jajarkot, we got together in a jeep. The jeep driver did not take the fare from Manita, saying "we will sit together". I was speechless, unable to speak. I don't really understand anything. She looked down at the floor with a red face. The jeep took us to the destination, the driver returned the jeep specially with Manita.

I followed Manita, she agreed to have tea and lunch with me after tax. Visiting Dolpa for the first time and needing a travel companion, I approached Manita. She came home alone, probably with approval from the family.

I asked the jeep driver, she was shy. Are you in love with the driver? She clearly said no. In particular, he is married, he got married two years ago. However, her husband, who went to India for work within two months of their marriage, has not returned yet. "Now I have become everyone's driver-sailor," he said. Why? Who would leave a poor woman like us without having a relationship? What should we say.'

Are there any other friends of his who have had the same experience as him?

"The thing about the rich is not the same as others," she said.

While walking together in Dolpa for 6 days, I talked about her love, desire etc.

'Someone pinches the chest and puts it to sleep. A woman like us gets scared as soon as she sees a man. Even if you are afraid, there is no place to run away.' she said.

and the desire of life?

If Poi would have come, not everyone would have been able to hear it. Goats in cages, buffaloes in stables, grass is growing in the forest. And it worked and ate.'

And don't you want to go abroad?

'No, I'm afraid. How many people, how many cars seen in the film, I must be lost. Also, who will bring people like us and abroad?'

And this is a story from two years ago.

is social class. Individual needs, interests and concerns are also categorical. That's why the topics of conversation are also classified.

The topics of conversation between Deepika and Manita, who are of the same age, continue to move forward like parallel lines without ever meeting. One age-group cannot find it.

Now another story

When Sheetashma was 13 years old, she was studying in the seventh grade in a school of the same name in Kathmandu. One day in the class there was a lesson about reproductive system and family planning. The teacher openly explained many things about the relationship between men and women, the development of sexual organs and the types of family planning tools, their usefulness, benefits of use, etc. Sheetashma felt that 'this is not a matter to be ashamed of'. Also, when her brother was born a few years ago, she asked her mother some questions. However, the mother warned, "never do such a shameful thing". That day, the teacher told Naljai that the subject was similar to the question she had with her mother. A little courage grew in him. In the evening, when both her parents were present, she asked, 'What temporary means of family planning do you use?' He scolded the mother more than the daughter. The educated mother also scolded her daughter by saying "three leaves that are growing old" and "bananas that have not come to anyone".

A few boys on the school bus made a mysterious noise on the same day that family planning was taught in the class. A boy has brought a 'condom'. After a while it also fell into his hands. Everyone laughed. In those days, she heard/knew some 'obscene' words about sex and genitals. At that time, he felt "as if he had grown up". Her parents, who lectured her every evening and morning about studies and career, did not tell her anything about sex. Other subjects were taught every day in school, but sex was not taught in class. His curiosity about sex was endless.

In the future, after her marriage, she wants to teach her daughter about all the subjects that she did not know in time. 19-year-old Sheetashma is currently studying graduation.

Girls in the city

Experience and feeling separate the topics of conversation. Although Sheetashma and I live in the same village, there is no conversation. Later we joined social media. Now he and I talk a lot about his sexual curiosity. She prefers to discuss with me topics such as sexuality, power relations, social psychology, legal provisions related to rape, etc. Although the age gap is big, we both have the same interests and concerns.

About five years ago, my brother's daughter came to Kathmandu to study graduation after completing her Plus Two. Some of his friends used to come to the house. At that time, the daughter and her friends used to talk about society, literature, studies, and about ideal people. At that time, the daughters practiced reciting by listening to Bhushita Vashishta's poetry recital in the Plenty series. Those eighteen/twenty-year-old daughters carefully read and discussed the author's articles published in various newspapers. What a curiosity! The same group of daughters inquired about writers like Ho Parijat, BP Koirala, Madanamani Dixit, Simone De Vower, Toni Morrison, Darrin Strauss and personalities like Yogamaya, Sahna Pradhan, Shailaja Acharya, Uma Bhujel, Rosa Luxemburg, Jenny Marks. At that time, they thought of people like Dobhan Rai, Sumana Shrestha (current education minister) who had returned after studying abroad as 'ideal people'.

But, was it always just such a discussion? no There was laughter and jokes. My daughters wanted to hear my love, marriage and post-marriage pink romance stories.

He used to interrupt his friends . She also used to talk about her post-menstrual pain, appearance and behavior of a boy who might marry her in the future. They used to talk about rape in the news. He hated the society that gave birth to rapists and nurtured rapists. They used to discuss expensive, contemporary politics.

I have been teaching university for the past few years. So I have the opportunity to interact with the youth. I teach social inclusion. Issues such as discrimination and inequality, marginalization and exclusion, political movements and the changes brought about in the society are discussed. I get to listen to the opinions of the young generation on such matters, I also get to tell them. The young generation is not just sitting with their feet up. What can be done for positive change in the country? They also have that Hoothooti.

About a month ago, I went with the students to watch the play 'Masinya', the theatre. I was surprised by their reaction after the play. Those youths who absolutely criticize Nepali politics and movement said, "What did this generation get from repeated political movements?" How were they used?' He responded that he understood. I get to know that generation a bit more intimately as I constantly interact with the new generation of girls (students). Some of the problems faced by today's new generation girls and the girls of my time are common. I find that our concerns then and the problems faced by girls today are of the same trend, but expanded. The rapid development of technology has not only made their lives easier, but has also added challenges. The competitive landscape has become more complex. The same subject has made the new generation more mature. Gender discrimination is decreasing in urban and educated groups. Even within the country, the increase in the presence of women in high positions has taught the new generation of girls and women to dream and weave plans. Therefore, their topics of conversation are more refined.

A different episode

There is a lot of diversity in society. There is a sister who has many symptoms of nymphomania. Within a week of meeting a man, she reaches the depth of the relationship with him, does a night stay. But, he prefers to call it 'love'. With that relationship, shopping, money shopping, everything starts. She is adept at polyamorous management. Most of his relationships, with one exception, start with a night stay and end without paying back the rent. He remembers me when there is a crisis in a relationship or complications in managing polyamory. Tears will be in the manner, when you want to go out, it may be stopped immediately. He uses the embarrassment of pity, violence against violence, violence, violence. Other times, the court said that ", 'The review is spoken as" trapped at the moment of Shah for money.' When I hear and see some relationships, I believe in this society, there are a perpetrator woman and her victims. The number is low, ratio may reduce, but there are men in the violent of persecution. & Nbsp;

now your own thing & nbsp;

my friend is a friend, I love me very much. In the meeting we shave their tears from time to time and nbsp; do & nbsp;. We have society, politics, teaching, food, dreams, satisfaction, food, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering, suffering. There are also talks, laughter, laughter, earnings, earnings, relatives, children, and sometimes foreign strangers, even if we cut things out of the forefront. Personal relations with love, girlfriend, Life, Life, Life, and later, there is no talk of churskothskythskys, which are transposed into the affirmative, and the tension, and even a big argument. There are things in all-all issues. So close friends, often he reminds me of my past, 'You were thick; and nbsp;

'is, therefore is such that I have been proud of the current change. & nbsp;

'No Yer You were asked', 'he was in a mobile phone at a mobile phone,' On the mobile phone. Capitalism is in our Nationalism. Be proud as we are proud, as pain. Looking at the photo of me when I was a thickness & nbsp; smiling. I have a walking pain inside & nbsp;. & Nbsp; & nbsp;

are some representative characters and context. The existing society arrangements are suffering a lot of girls-people and nbsp; 5 That is why girls of girls communication are about gender discrimination, domestic and sexual violence. Survivors are also gorn on top of time, career, fashion, recreationary, etc. The opposite sex (even in cases) The more natural and natural attraction of a country) The more natural, it is very natural.

and Finally, today, women of today, are not unleaved. For hundreds of years, a girl-people's new generation is over and nbsp in the man who moved forward to such bonds.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ३, २०८० ११:१८
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