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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The Ministry of Health formed a committee to study the pharmaceutical industry


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The Ministry of Health and Population has formed a committee to monitor the quality of pharmaceuticals and the pharmaceutical industry. Health Minister Pradeep Yawad made a ministerial decision and formed a committee under the coordination of Dr. Vikas Devkota, Additional Secretary of the Ministry.

The Ministry of Health formed a committee to study the pharmaceutical industry

Dr. Prakash Budhathoki, spokesperson of the ministry informed that besides monitoring the quality of medicines, the committee will study the operational condition, service delivery, capacity, operational procedures and standards of the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacy, and drug-related agencies. He said that the quality of medicines, problems and challenges will also be studied on site.

According to Budhathoki, the spokesperson of the ministry, the committee will submit the report to the ministry within two weeks. The members of the

committee are Narayan Prasad Dhakal, director general of the drug administration department, representative of the National Drug Laboratory, representative of the Pharmacy Council, representative of the district administration office of the district to be monitored, head of the office of the drug administration department of the district to be monitored.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १५:४०
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