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Mussels walking in search of scent in 'Ticket to Hollywood'

रीना मोक्तान

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The drama 'Ticket to Hollywood' does not carry the burden of raising any heavy issue. Staged at the Studio Theater in Mandalay, this play takes the audience on an interesting and entertaining journey beyond the weight of serious issues. There are few actors and a small set on the stage. And yes, superstar Monty and his Hollywood journey!

Mussels walking in search of scent in 'Ticket to Hollywood'

In this Hollywood journey of Monty, you will find the scorn of the youth, sarcasm towards the film industry and the race of those who forget themselves and run behind illusions! This play is full of variety and use in comedy style making the audience laugh.

At the beginning of the play, the artist breaks the fourth wall and makes the audience the character of the play. In the first scene, AD (Assistant Director) Santosh points to the audience and says, 'You have to sit here, I have brought them.' In the play, the fourth wall is broken so much that the audience easily participates here like in 'Chowtari Natak'.

'When our sir kills the entry, there is a need for a rumor like that Applause according to that,' says AD Santosh with a lot of energy . Before Santhosh can finish speaking, the background music plays in the background, to the pleasant tune of the guitar and the drumset . Then, with thunderous applause, the audience loudly hooted, 'Monty, Monty...' . There are many such scenes in the play, where the audience themselves becomes a participant in Monty's journey. Thus, this play has touched many genres. For example, Monty goes to the doctor when he has a dental problem. The doctor gives Monty wisdom teeth. In that scene, the performance of Monty and the Doctor looks like a clown performance with dialogue.

This play does not stick to one topic, the play moves forward by touching different themes that come in the journey of Monty (Sudip Khatiwada). Monty has to audition for Hollywood. The words audition, screentest, retake don't exist in Monty's vocabulary. According to Monty, he has to reach a meeting in Hollywood. Before reaching that meeting, he will also act in Sagar Khati's debut directorial 'Ticket to Hollywood'. Again, Sagar will also make a film starring superstar Monty. Not wanting to work with a debutant director, Monty entrusts AD Santosh with 'Action Cut' when he learns that Sagar will be his first directorial.

When director Sagar is sitting in a corner, Santosh, who has been entrusted with directing from the assistant director, instructs Sagar on the contrary, 'Now I have given you the responsibility of watching the paddy wagon and handling the crowd'. Sea speechless! In such comic scenes in the play, there is plenty of dose to make the audience laugh . Many subjects are tried to be satirized through the shooting scenes of the film .

Directors like Sagar Khati, who do not want to film without a superstar, filmmakers who followed the words of the superstar, have been hit hard in this scene . Similarly, superstars becoming careless through Monty's whimsical, ego-inflated stars are satirized . 'Being such a superstar of Nepal, your wisdom has not come. When will it come now? In this scene where the doctor spoke, the Nepali artist was also satirized. Done . Also, the helplessness of a manager like Jojo (Milan Karki) is shown .

'Hollywood' is used here as an image . An element behind which every person is constantly chasing, whether it is success or a dream . Some are running in the race of success, who have forgotten what they are running for. In one scene of the play, the musical team sings in the background, 'Ticket to Illusion'. This play will strike those who have forgotten the taste of Raithane while learning from others, while trying to hide their illusions. While chasing Hollywood, many Montys have forgotten to look at the pearl inside them . The play also satirizes those who forget their way and become Monty from Motilal while chasing others. Therefore, the story of the oysters who went to find the fragrance within themselves is a ticket to Hollywood. This play is a ticket that teaches you to live by yourself, makes you find your existence . Makes you notice the fragrance, the originality within you. Sagar Khati Kami, who appeared in the role of a director on the

stage, is the director of 'Ticket to Hollywood'. Although he did not stand out as a great director before Monty, Kami has developed his abilities in the direction of Ticket to Hollywood. Kami succeeds in taking a satirical attack on a serious issue by infusing simple themes into comedy. Comedy style story, writing and direction have made Sagar a capable director. In every scene of the play, comedy and craft have been matched. Director Kami also has a strong presence in the music.

The strongest part of this play is the acting of the two actors. Milan Karki, who appeared in the role of Jojo, is successful in keeping the audience's attention on his character throughout the drama. Be it the honesty of Assistant Jojo or Monty as the wife, Milan has brought those characters to life on stage. Dr. Banda has presented not only the fan's enthusiasm, but also his wife's need and desire through acting. He has acted in many characters on the stage.

Milan has proved himself by acting in different characters in a short span of time. In the same way, Sudeep has also brought Monty's ego to life from speech to physical gestures. Equal effort is found in the music and props. Props according to the style of the play are revealed in 'Ticket to Hollywood'. Wisdom teeth are also amazing. In

drama not many props are used, few props are used cleverly . Music has been used artistically to show the psychology of the characters and not only in the rhythm of the story. Like, 'Ticket to Illusion' .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख २१, २०८१ १७:५१
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