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3rd A Star Naples Basketball League won by DBS in London


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DBS Hayes has won the 3rd A Star Nepalese Basketball League organized by Nepal Basketball UK. In the final held on Saturday at the Brunel University Sports Center in London Oxbridge, DBS defeated Greenford Knights and became champions for the second time.

3rd A Star Naples Basketball League won by DBS in London

After 11 weeks of league play and three weeks of play-offs, DBS dominated the league with a display of remarkable skill and determination in the finals.

The basketball league started on January 21 and lasted for 14 weeks. 11 teams competed in the competition. Ayush Singh became the 'Most Valuable Player' in both the finals of the

competition and the league. In the

event, Nepal's former national athletes were honored for their contribution to sports. Among those honored were Manoj Sherchan, Ayush Singh, Vinod Shrestha, Amir Ghale and Nirmal Gurung.

Similarly, the coordinator Ankit Chhetri said that Dipesh Vishwakarma, a wheelchair player who performed well in wheelchair basketball, was specially honored.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ ०८:३५
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