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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

InDrive will reach 1 billion people: Natalia


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Ride hailing company InDrive has announced that it will reach 1 billion people in the world by the year 2030. Natalia Makarenko, marketing director of the Asia-Pacific region, who was present in Kathmandu on Wednesday, has informed that Indrive will affect the lives of 1 billion people in one way or another.

InDrive will reach 1 billion people: Natalia

Not limited to ride hailing, Natalia said that providing various services through information technology . "We don't want to limit ourselves as a ride hailing company, we also want to make a positive impact on people's lives through other means of mobility," she said. .'

Indrive is promoting programs like 'Begin IT' for children, 'Alternative Film Awards' for the creative sector, and 'Your Pace' for promoting a healthy lifestyle, Natalia informed. She said that some of these programs have also been started in Nepal. He says that Indrive is also providing services like courier and intercity rides.

Natalia also informed that since Indrive started its service in Nepal in 2021, the business is growing by 200 percent annually. Pavit Nanda Anand, head of the company's communication for the Asia-Pacific region, said that Nepal is an important market for the company. In the last 6 months of 2024, information was given in the program that the ride service business is increasing by 46 percent in Nepal.

प्रकाशित : असार १२, २०८१ १८:१५
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