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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Rojgar Mela will bridge the gap between workers and employers: Labor Minister


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Labor, Employment and Social Security Minister Dol Prasad Aryal has said that Shramadhan Rojgar Mela has been organized to bridge the gap between employers and workers. Minister Aryal while inaugurating the labor fair held in Butwal of Lumbini province on Wednesday said that the Ministry of Labor has organized fairs in all seven provinces to meet employers and workers at one place.

Rojgar Mela will bridge the gap between workers and employers: Labor Minister

Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Cooperatives, Butwal sub-city and Confederation of Nepal Industries (CNI) have jointly started the fair in Lumbini province from today.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Minister Aryal said that it is necessary to put an end to the situation where employers have to bring in skilled workers from abroad and young people who come to the labor market go abroad without finding jobs. He also requested to make full use of this fair to solve this kind of problem. This fair will expand the relationship between employers and workers. Rather than giving employment to so many people immediately from the fair, it will be more important for the long-term information on the exact details of the manpower needed in the industrial establishments of Nepal and what kind of skills are needed by those who want to be employed,' he said.

Similarly, Lalbabu Kawari, secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Lumbini State Government, said that this fair can be used to expand the relationship between employers and workers. He said that even if the fair does not have an immediate result in ending the forced migration abroad without finding employment in the country, it will bring good results in the long run.

Khelraj Pandey, the head of Butwal sub-metropolitan city, expressed his belief that this fair will be more useful in finding employment in the country if one studies or learns skills. Chairman of Lumbini Province Chamber of Commerce and Industry Krishna Sharma said that there is a big problem of the employer companies not getting skilled workers in the country and they are facing a problem because of the situation where the trainees migrate abroad after making them skilled. This fair is a good sign to end the situation as employers are not getting skilled manpower as they want and workers are not getting jobs as they want. Bringing together both those who give jobs and those who want jobs will help to create an environment to do something in the country,'' he said.

Lumbini Pradesh Employment Fair has been held at Butwal International Conference Center (BICC). It is hoped that the fair, which will last until Thursday, will bring together job seekers, employers and stakeholders from various sectors to create a favorable environment for networking and employment.

It is said that in the fair to be held in Lumbini province, help will be given to gather demand based on the knowledge, skills and abilities of unemployed youth. 41 stalls have been set up for participation in the fair. The Labor Fair, which started on the 17th from Koshi Province, will end on the 30th after the program in Lalitpur of Bagmati Province. In the meantime, labor and employment fairs are being conducted in Koshi province on 17th and 18th, in Madhesh province on 19th and 20th, in Gandaki province on 21st and 22nd and in Lumbini province on 23rd and 24th.

It will be held on May 25 and 26 in Surkhet of Birendranagar in Karnali Province, on May 27 and 28 in Dhangadhi in Sudurpaschim Province, and preparations are being made to operate on May 29 and 30 in Lalitpur in Bagmati Province.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २३, २०८१ २१:३१
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